Email: ye398@hunter.cuny.edu
Office: 520B Hunter North
Phone: 212-772-4236
Fall 2024 Advising Hours:
Tuesday/Thursday: noon-1:30PM;
Wednesday/Friday: 4-5:30PM
Yayoi Uno Everett is a native of Yokohama, Japan, and joins Hunter College from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has previously taught at Emory University (2000-14), University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (1999-2000), and the University of Colorado at Boulder (1994-98). Her research focuses on the analysis of postwar art music, film, and opera from the perspectives of semiotics, narratology, multimedia theories, cultural studies, and East Asian aesthetics. Her publications include monographs entitled Reconfiguring Myth and Narrative in Contemporary Operas (Indiana University Press, 2015) and The Music of Louis Andriessen (Cambridge University Press, 2006), a co-edited volume Locating East Asia in Western Music, and various peer-reviewed articles on music by Kaija Saariaho, John Adams, Thomas Adeès, Charles Wuorinen, Louis Andriessen, György Ligeti, Elliott Carter, Toru Takemitsu, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Chou-Wen Chung, Lei Liang, Kyong Mee Choi, and Unsuk Chin. Since 2016, she has given invited lectures at Northwestern University, UW Madison, University of South Carolina, University of Miami, UNC Greensboro, McGill University, and University of Michigan, and delivered plenary and keynote addresses at regional and national conferences of Society for Music Theory. She has served on PhD dissertation committees at University of Helsinki, Northwestern University, and Temple University, and guest taught a graduate seminar on Topic Theory and Intertextuality at University of Chicago (2016).
She is currently co-editing a collection of essays entitled Opera in Flux: Staging, Narrative, Identity (provisional title) under contract with University of Michigan Press.
Everett served as the associate editor of Music Theory Spectrum (2015-18). She served as president for Music Theory Southeast (2010-12) and as member/chair for Society of Music Theory’s Executive Board, Publication Subvention, and Diversity committees (1998-2009). She is the recipient of fellowships and awards from UIC’s Creativity Activity Award, Dean’s Research Award, NEAC Research Fellowship from the Association of Asian Studies, Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry at Emory University, the Japan Foundation, Bogliasco Foundation, Asian Council, and the National Endowment for Humanities.