This degree is designed for students planning to pursue careers as professional performers of music. It provides intensive instruction in the student's major instrument or voice, as well as solid training in music theory and history, and a broad, liberal arts education. Admission to this program is conditional on passing an audition demonstrating a high level of skill in performance. Students accepted into this program must enroll at Hunter and begin taking private lessons (MUSPF 431) within 12 months of the date of the audition. If they wish to enroll later, they must repeat the audition. Once they begin the program, they must remain in it without interruption and take private lessons (MUSPF 431) every semester until they have completed the graduation recital. Exceptions to this policy require prior permission from the Undergraduate Adviser. Students who fail to register for lessons during a given semester without permission will be withdrawn from the program. Music History: MUSHL 201, 205, 206, 305, and any other 3-credit MUSHL course at the 300-level Music Theory: MUSTH 201, 220, 221, 230, 231, 320, 330, and any other 3-credit MUSTH course at the 300-level Private Lessons: 18 credits in MUSPF 431 PLEASE NOTE: MUSPF 431 consists of: Weekly private lessons as well as a weekly performance class (a required lab component for private lessons). Performance Ensembles: For instrumentalists: six ensemble credits (MUSPF 221, 231, 249, 250, 355, or 365), with a minimum of two credits in large ensembles (MUSPF 221 or 231). For singers: six credits in vocal ensembles (MUSPF 221, 251, 353, or 369) with a minimum of two credits in MUSPF 369, and two credits in College Choir (MUSPF 221). For pianists: a minimum of two credits in MUSPF 365, two large ensemble credits (MUSPF 221 or 231), and two additional credits in any ensembles, including further semesters of MUSPF 221, 231, and/or 365. Electives: 4 credits in music courses above the 100-level Juries and Recitals: Each semester a jury examination is required of all students in this program. A graduation recital, for which no credit is given, is also required.
This degree is designed for students planning to pursue professional careers in music. It provides basic training in all areas of music and serves as a foundation for graduate study of any specialized aspect of the field. Music History: MUSHL 201, 205, 206, 305, and any other 3-credit MUSHL course at the 300-level Music Theory: MUSTH 201, 220, 221, 230, 231, 320, 330, and any other 3-credit MUSTH course at the 300-level Performance: 2 credits in MUSPF 401; 2 credits in large ensembles (MUSPF 221 or 231); and 2 credits in performance electives (MUSPF 221, 231, 249, 250, 251, 353, 355, 365, 369, or 401). PLEASE NOTE: MUSPF 401 and 402 consist of: Weekly private lessons as well as a weekly performance class (a required lab component for private lessons). Electives: 4 credits in music courses above the 100-level Juries and Recitals: Each semester a jury examination is required of all students registered in MUSPF 401 and/or MUSPF 402
This degree is designed for students wishing to study music in the context of a general, liberal arts education, but not planning to pursue careers in the field. It may also be convenient for students who enter Hunter with a large number of transfer credits in music and wish to complete their degrees as quickly as possible. Music History: MUSHL 201, 205, 206, 305, and any other 3-credit MUSHL course at the 300-level Music Theory: MUSTH 220, 221, 230, 231 Performance: 2 credits in MUSPF 221 or 231
The Minor in Music consists of 15 Credits:
- MUSTH 101 (Music Theory Fundamentals) / 3 credits
- MUSHL 101 (1000 Years of Listening) or MUSHL 107 (The World of Music) / 3 credits
- One course with an MUSHL prefix at the 200-level / 3 credits
- Music electives / 6 credits, 3 of which must be at the 200-level or higher
Prospective minors who have already mastered the material taught in the required 100-level courses (MUSTH 101 and/or MUSHL 101 or 107) may be exempted from these courses by passing the same
entrance examination that is required of prospective music majors. Music minors may substitute more advanced courses in any area of music study, including private lessons (subject to availability) and ensembles, for the courses from which they are exempt. For more information, contact the
Undergraduate Advisor. PLEASE NOTE: Music minors who wish to take private lessons for credit (MUSPF 401) must first pass both the performance audition and music theory portions of the entrance examination.
All music majors must demonstrate proficiency at the piano equivalent to one year of private or class piano study. The examination must be taken no later than the end of the semester in which the student takes MUSTH 221 (normally the second semester in the major program). Students also have the option of fulfilling the Piano Proficiency Exam requirements by taking MUSPF 214: Piano II. The final exam for the Piano II class is identical to the Piano Proficiency Exam. Passing the examination is a requirement for graduation and must be accomplished before a graduation audit form will be signed. Students entering Hunter with limited keyboard background must take MUSPF 213-214 (Piano 1 and 2) for elective credit or private lessons in piano at their own expense. Students must pass all sections of the exam to fulfill the requirement. The minimum requirements for the Piano Proficiency Examination are as follows:
I. Scales Major: all major scales played hands together an octave apart; ascending and descending for one octave; correct fingering and hand position, quarter note = 80; in 4/4 meter
Minor: C, D, E, F, G, A, and B harmonic and melodic minor scales played hands together an octave apart; ascending and descending for one octave; correct fingering and hand position, quarter note = 80; in 4/4 meter
II. Chords Play any major or minor triad with inversions, in both blocked and broken forms, hands separately.
III. Arpeggios Play any major and minor triad and inversions hand-over-hand style.
VI. Two prepared pieces chosen by the student, as follows (memorization optional)
- One work from the Baroque or Classical era. The selection should either be drawn from, or equivalent in level to at least one work listed below (more advanced repertoire is also permissible, and encouraged):Bach: any selection from the Little Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach Clementi: Sonatina, Op. 36, No. 1 (any movement) Haydn: any of the German Dances
- One work from the Romantic era, or a piece written in the 20th/21st Century. The selection should either be drawn from, or equivalent in level to at least one work listed below (more advanced repertoire is also permissible, and encouraged):Bartók: pieces from Mikrokosmos, Vols. 3 and 4 Burgmüller: any pieces from Twenty-Five Easy & Progressive Studies, Op. 100 Finney, Ross Lee: pieces from the 25 Inventions Gillock: Aeolian Harp Gillock: Rondo in Classic Style Gretchaninov: movements from Glass Beads, Op. 123 Kabalevsky: selections from Children’s Pieces, Op. 27 Prokofiev: any pieces from Music for Children, Op. 65 Persichetti: pieces from Parades, Op. 57 Schumann: from Album for the Young, Op. 68: Nos. 6, 7, 8, 14 or 16 Tchaikovsky: easier pieces from Album for the Young, Op. 39
V. Sight-Reading A short piece or excerpt, to be selected by the examiner, equivalent in difficulty to easier works from the Little Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach, or Bartók’s Mikrokosmos, Vol. 2 or 3.
Ready to Register? To select an exam date and to submit the titles of the prepared pieces,
click here.
This piano proficiency exam registration form should be submitted at least two months prior to the date on which you plan to take the examination.