Hunter Symphony Orchestra


The Hunter Symphony is comprised of students from Hunter College as well as the metropolitan area and involves collaboration and instruction with experienced professional players. It performs two concerts each semester for the Hunter College community. Any musicians who play an orchestral instrument are welcome and invited to contact Prof. David Fulmer regarding auditions, even for future semesters. Students who audition successfully may be considered for private lessons. Hunter Symphony is open to all students, faculty, and community members and rehearses weekly from 6:30-8:40 PM on Wednesday evenings in the Assembly Hall (North Building, First Floor).

Upcoming Concert Dates

All concerts begin at 7:30PM, in Assembly Hall (Hunter College North building, floor one)

December 6, 2023 – Directed by David Fulmer and Anna Dagmar

*Note: All outside audience members must reserve through this form 48hrs prior to visiting

Orchestra Details