All the courses currently offered by the music department are listed below. Consult the Schedule of Classes for each semester’s offerings.
MUSHL 101 A Thousand Years of Listening GER 2/D PD/D
For non-majors. Selected compositions primarily from the European tradition studied with aim to develop perceptive listening. 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 107 The World of Music GER 2/D PD/A
For non-majors. Introduction to music from a spectrum of world cultures, including Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 101 Music Theory Fundamentals GER 2/D
For non-majors. Introduction to music theory, sight singing, and ear training. 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 201 Introduction to Music Research
Techniques of research and writing about music. Sources of information (reference books, monographs, periodicals, scores, recordings, Internet resources); types of writing (theoretical, historical, ethnomusicological, critical); writing issues specific to music.
pre- or coreq: ENGL 120; coreq: MUSHL 205; 1 hr, 1 cr. / offered fall
MUSHL 205 Music History I PD/D
For music majors. Survey of the history of music in the European tradition to 1600. prereq: elementary knowledge of music history and literature, demonstrated by dept. exam. pre- or coreqs: MUSTH 220, 230, ENGL 120, perm dept. coreq: MUSHL 201; 3 hrs, 3 cr. / offered fall
MUSHL 206W Music History II PD/D
For music majors. Continuation of MUSHL 205. Survey of the history of music in the European tradition from 1600 to 1800.
prereqs: MUSHL 201, 205, ENGL 120. pre- or coreqs: MUSTH 221, 231; 3 hrs, 3 cr. / offered spring
MUSHL 210W Music for the Piano GER 3/A PD/D
Piano literature from the 18th century to the present.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 212W Masterpieces of Opera GER 3/A PD/D
Study of operatic styles of such composers as Mozart, Verdi, and Wagner.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 217W History of Jazz GER 3/A PD/B or History of Jazz (Honors)
Survey of jazz from its origins to present.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 220 History of Rock GER 3/A PD/B
Survey of rock from its origins to present.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 221W Black Music in the Americas GER 3/A PD/B
The origins, history, and evolutionary progression of Black music in the Americas; shared musical practices and resources in the multicultural matrix of the United States in particular and the hemisphere in general.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 227W Master Composers GER 3/A
Study of works of single composer. Topics to be announced. May be taken 6 times.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 231W Folk and Traditional Music GER 3/A
Study of ethnic music of selected cultures.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 240W Music of the Caribbean and Latin America GER 3/A PD/A
Origin and development of Caribbean and Latin American musical styles and their impact on the United States and other parts of the world.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 241W Music of Asia GER 3/A PD/A
Music and its relationship to dance and drama in the major civilizations of East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 243 Music of the Middle East GER 3/A PD/A
Music and its relationship to tradition, modernity, gender, and politics in the major regions and ethnic groups of the Middle East and North Africa.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 245W Music of Africa GER 3/A PD/A
Introduction to traditional and popular African music and performance practices. Theoretical and methodological issues as defined by ethnomusicology.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 250W Women and Music GER 3/A PD/C
An ethnomusicological study of women and music in cross-cultural perspective.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, WGS 100, or perm. instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 252W Film Music GER 3/A
Introduction to the history, aesthetic, form and techniques of film music, for everyone interested in film or film music, from the casual viewer of television movies and videotapes to film and music majors. prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 261W Special Topics in History and Literature of Music GER 3/A
Study of works illustrating one specific genre, style, or period. Topics to be announced. May be taken 6 times. Depending on topic, may satisfy PD.
prereqs: ENGL 120; one of the following: MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 262W Special Topics in Music
A study of a musical topic outside the traditional classifications of music history, theory, and performance. Topics to be announced.
prereqs: ENGL 120; MUSHL 101, 107, 205, MUSTH 101, or perm instr; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 305W Music History III PD/D
Continuation of MUSHL 206. Survey of the history of music in the European tradition from 1800 to the present.
prereqs: MUSHL 206, MUSTH 221, 231; 3 hrs, 3 cr. / offered fall
MUSHL 306W Music History IV PD/D
Central issues in the history of European music, such as the role of patronage in musical culture, relationships of musical style to instruments and performing ensembles, and the impact of historical consciousness on contemporary musical life. prereq: MUSHL 305; 3 hrs, 3 cr. / offered spring
MUSHL 352W Introduction to Ethnomusicology I PD/A
Survey of musical traditions of sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
prereqs: MUSTH 221, 231 or perm instr; ENGL 120; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 353W Introduction to Ethnomusicology II PD/A
Survey of musical traditions of North Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, and South and East Asia.
prereqs: MUSTH 221, 231 or perm instr; ENGL 120; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 361W Special Topics in History and Literature of Music
Specialized study of selected genre, locality, period, style, composer, or problem. Topics to be announced. May be taken 6 times.
prereqs: ENGL 120, variable music courses; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSHL 498 Music Internship
Internship in various arts institutions in New York City. prereq: perm dept; 1-6 cr.
MUSPF 111 Elementary Voice I
For nonmajors and premajors. Fundamentals of breath control, tone production, and articulation. Vocalises and simple songs.
prereqs: MUSTH 101 or perm dept. 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 112 Elementary Voice II
prereq: MUSPF 111; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 121 Elementary Guitar I
For nonmajors and premajors. Class lessons in guitar: basic techniques, tuning, reading chord charts, playing and transposing songs, and learning chords, strums, and finger-pickings. Students must supply their own instruments. prereqs: MUSTH 101 or perm dept. 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 122 Elementary Guitar II
prereq: MUSPF 121; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 131 Elementary Piano I
For nonmajors. Class lessons in piano: basic techniques, playing simple pieces.
prereq: MUSTH 101 or perm dept; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 132 Elementary Piano II
prereq: MUSPF 131; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 211 Voice I
Fundamentals of breath control, tone production, articulation, interpretation, and style. Vocalises, songs, and arias.
prereq: declared music major or perm dept; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 212 Voice II
Continuation of MUSPF 211. prereq: MUSPF 211 or perm dept; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 213 Piano I
Basic piano techniques, scales and chords, exercises, simple pieces, and sight-reading.
prereq: declared music major or perm dept; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 214 Piano II
Continuation of MUSPF 213. prereq: MUSPF 213 or perm dept; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
NOTE: Students have the option of fulfilling the Piano Proficiency Exam requirements by taking MUSPF 214: Piano II. The final exam for the Piano II class is identical to the Piano Proficiency Exam.
MUSPF 221 College Choir
Open to all students. Rehearsal and public performance of major choral works.
May be taken 8 times. 3 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 231 Hunter Symphony
Rehearsal and performance of orchestral works. May be taken 8 times.
prereqs: audition, perm instr; 3 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 249 Jazz Ensemble
Open to all instrumentalists by audition. Study and performance of popular forms of music, including dance, jazz, and musical comedy.
May be taken 6 times. 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 250 Jazz and Popular Music Combos
Study and performance within a small ensemble context of the popular music genres, such as Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop, R&B, Country/Bluegrass, and Jazz.
May be taken 6 times. prereqs: audition and permission of the department; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 251 Jazz Vocal Workshop Ensemble
Jazz performance and improvisation. May be taken 6 times. prereqs: MUSPF 111 or 211 or 401 in Voice and audition; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 349 Conducting I
Principles of choral and orchestral conducting: technique of the baton, interpretation, repertoire, and score reading.
prereq: MUSTH 381 or perm instr; coreq: audit MUSPF 221 or 231; 3 hrs, 2 cr.
MUSPF 350 Conducting II
Continuation of MUSPF 349. prereqs: MUSPF 349 and MUSTH 381 or perm instr; coreq: audit MUSPF 221 or 231; 3 hrs, 2 cr.
MUSPF 353 Chamber Singers
Study and public performance of solo and chamber chorus works from all musical eras. May be taken 6 times. prereqs: audition, perm instr; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 355 Chamber Music Workshop
Rehearsal and public performance of instrumental chamber works. May be taken 6 times. prereqs: audition, perm instr; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 361-363 Special Studies in Performance of Music
Number of works are studied, rehearsed, and performed. Topics to be announced. prereq: perm dept; 8 cr. maximum.
MUSPF 361 May be taken 4 times. 1 cr.
MUSPF 362 May be taken 4 times. 2 cr.
MUSPF 363 May be taken 2 times. 3 cr.
MUSPF 365.xx Topics in Piano Performance
Seminar in performance for advanced piano students, focusing on a different topic area each semester. The seminar will involve study and performance of representative works of piano repertoire relevant to the semester’s topic area. Each semester will also include individual attention to problems of public performance. May be taken 4 times. coreq: MUSPF 401 or 431; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 369.xx Topics in Vocal Performance
Seminar in performance for advanced voice students, focusing on a different topic area each semester. The seminar will involve study and performance of representative works of piano repertoire relevant to the semester’s topic area. Each semester will also include individual attention to problems of public performance. May be taken 4 times. prereq: ENGL 120; coreq: MUSPF 401 or 431; 2 hrs, 1 cr.
MUSPF 370 Opera Performance
Preparation and performance of a fully staged opera. May be taken four times for credit.
prereq: audition and perm. dept; coreq: MUSPF 401 or 431 in voice; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSPF 401 Individual Instruction in Instrument or Voice
Limited to the 42-credit BA music major, the 25credit BA music major, the BA/MA music major and the music minor. Audition demonstrating performance skills equivalent to New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) level 2 or higher. Students must make their own arrangements with department-listed teachers to receive credit for this course. Jury examination required. The jury examination following the second and subsequent semesters of private lessons must demonstrate performance skills equivalent to NYSSMA level 4 or higher. May be taken 8 times. prereq: perm dept; 2 hr, 1 cr.
COREQ: Registration for a Hunter Performance Ensemble. For more information on the Ensemble Requirement for Private Lessons, please refer to the Teacher Assignment Form link in the Undergraduate or Graduate Handbook section of the Music Department website.
PLEASE NOTE: MUSPF 401 consists of: Weekly private lessons as well as a weekly performance class (a required lab component for private lessons).
MUSPF 402 Individual Instruction in Second Instrument or Voice
Individual instruction in second instrument or voice. Limited to the 42-credit BA music major, 25-credit BA music major, 60-credit BMus major, BA/MA music major and the music minor. Audition demonstrating performance skills equivalent to New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) level 2 or higher. Students must make their own arrangements with department-listed teachers to receive credit for this course. Jury examination required. May be taken 8 times. prereq: perm dept.; 1 hr, 1 cr.
PLEASE NOTE: MUSPF 402 consists of: Weekly private lessons as well as a weekly performance class (a required lab component for private lessons).
MUSPF 431 Individual Instruction in Instrument or Voice
Limited to students in the 60-credit BMus program and the BA/MA music program. Intensive study in instrumental or vocal techniques. Jury examination required. May be taken 8 times. prereq: perm dept; 2 hr, 3 cr.
COREQ: Registration for a Hunter Performance Ensemble. For more information on the Ensemble Requirement for Private Lessons, please refer to the Teacher Assignment Form link in the Undergraduate or Graduate Handbook section of the Music Department website.
PLEASE NOTE: MUSPF 431 consists of: Weekly private lessons as well as a weekly performance class (a required lab component for private lessons).
MUSTH 201 Introduction to Music Technology
An introduction to basic music technology skills: music notation software, MIDI sequencing, and digital audio editing.
prereqs: MUSTH 220 and 230, or perm dept; 1 hr, 1 cr. / offered spring
MUSTH 220 Music Theory I
Review of fundamentals of music theory; introduction to melodic, rhythmic, contrapuntal, harmonic, and formal organization of music. prereqs: ability to read music as demonstrated by dept. exam, perm dept; coreq: MUSTH 230; 3 hrs, 3 cr. / offered fall
MUSTH 221 Music Theory II
Continuation of MUSTH 220. prereq: MUSTH 220; coreq: MUSTH 231; 3 hrs, 3 cr. / offered spring
MUSTH 230 Musicianship I
Sight singing, ear training, and keyboard drill on materials studied in the corequisite course. Individual work in the Computer Assisted Instruction facility.
coreq: MUSTH 220; 3 hrs, 2 cr. / offered fall
MUSTH 231 Musicianship II
Continuation of MUSTH 230. prereq: MUSTH 230; coreq: MUSTH 221; 3 hrs, 2 cr. / offered spring
MUSTH 320 Music Theory III
Intermediate-level study of melodic, rhythmic, contrapuntal, harmonic, and formal organization of music.
prereq: MUSTH 201 and MUSTH 221; coreq: MUSTH 330; 3 hrs, 3 cr. / offered fall
MUSTH 321 Music Theory IV
Continuation of MUSTH 320. prereq: MUSTH 320; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 330 Musicianship III
Sight singing, ear training, and keyboard drill on materials studied in the corequisite course. Individual work in the Computer Assisted Instruction facility. prereq: MUSTH 231; coreq: MUSTH 320; 3 hrs, 2 cr. / offered fall
MUSTH 331 Musicianship IV
Continuation of MUSTH 330. prereq: MUSTH 330; 3 hrs, 2 cr.
MUSTH 333 Composition I
Practical study of music composition; traditional pitch materials; motivic materials; formal schemes. Students will write several short compositions and perform them in class. prereqs: MUSTH 221 and 231 or perm dept; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 334 Composition II
Practical study of music composition. New pitch materials; composing for solo instruments; using contrast to build form. Students will write several short compositions and perform them in class. May be taken before Composition I. prereqs: MUSTH 221 and 231 or perm dept; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 335 Orchestration
Capabilities and limitations of the orchestral instruments; practice in scoring for small and large groups; instrument demonstrations and reading session. prereqs: MUSTH 221 and 231 or perm dept; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 351 Computer Music
Making music with computers using technologies such as MIDI sequencing, hardware synthesis, and digital audio. Promises and limitations of these tools. prereqs: MUSTH 221 and 231 or perm dept; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 361 Special Topics in Music Theory
Study of selected issues in music theory and analysis. Topics to be announced. May be taken two times.
prereqs: variable; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 370 Jazz Harmony and Arranging
Study of jazz harmony and rhythm, jazz composition, and jazz arranging. prereqs: MUSTH 201, 221 and 231, or perm dept; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 371 Jazz Improvisation
Study and performance of jazz improvisational techniques. prereqs: MU-370, or perm dept; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 385 Private Lessons in Composition
Intensive study of music composition for advanced students. May be taken four times.
prereqs: MUSTH 333, 334, perm dept; 3 hrs, 3 cr.
MUSTH 491 Honors Project
Upper Jr/Sr only. Individual project of large scope in music history, theory, composition, or performance.
prereqs: minimum music GPA of 3.5, perm undergrad adviser; 1 sem, 3 cr.
MUSTH 492 Honors Project
prereq: MUSTH 491; 1 sem, 3 cr.
MUSIN 201.01, 201.02, 201.03, 301.01, 301.02, 301.03, 401.01, 401.02, 401.03 Individual Study Project
Limited to music majors and music minors. Independent work on a project of the student’s choice under the guidance of an approved supervisor who will provide the course grade. Proposals for projects must be submitted to the policy committee of the Music Department by the twelfth week of the preceding semester. Permission to enroll in the course is conditional on approval of the proposal by the committee. 1-3 cr. per sem.
Click here to submit an Individual Study Project request.
Undergraduate students may also take selected graduate courses with the permission of the Graduate Adviser.