Prof. Barbara Hampton Presented Her Research “Gendered Authority: African American Women in Gospel Churches” in Vienna, Bangkok

Dr. Barbara L. Hampton, presented her research, “Gendered Authority: African American Women in Gospel Churches”, at the 44th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music hosted by the University of Chulalongkorn in Bangkok, Thailand in July 2019. As Chair of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Gender, she chaired its 2018 Symposium at Die Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (The University of Music and the Performing Arts, Vienna) and presented her research “Appreciation and Power: Changing Epistemes of African American Women Conductors in Gospel Churches”. These will be expanded into a forthcoming book to be published by Routledge /Taylor Francis. She holds the Lifetime Achievement Award (2006) from The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology and serves as its Local Arrangements Chair for the 40th Jubilee Conference. (2021).