Current Graduate Students

Graduate Program Learning Outcomes

At Hunter College, we offer a flexible music program–allowing us to meet the diverse needs of our students–at surprisingly affordable prices. Students may study full-time or part-time, which makes our program ideal for the busy NYC professional; indeed, a number of our students are professional musicians and music teachers who are able to complete their M.A. studies at night: required courses in our department are generally offered in the evening.

Course Information
Graduate Handbook
Teacher Assignment Form for Non-Performance Majors (taking MUS 681-4)
Teacher Assignment Form for Performance Majors (taking MUS 781-4)
Hunter Students in Concert Signup Form
M.A. Graduation Recital Date Request Form

We offer an M.A. in Music with concentrations in Composition, Ethnomusicology, Music History, Music Theory, Performance, and Mixed Concentration. We also offer a master’s degree in Music Education. This program, the Teacher Education Program (TEP) in Music, is jointly administered by the Music Department and by the Hunter College School of Education. Upon graduation from the program, students receive an M.A. in Music Education and are recommended for New York State Certification as a music teacher (Pre-K-12). Since one of the primary purposes of the TEP program is to earn teacher certification, individuals who are already certified music teachers with an M.A. degree are not eligible for admission to the program.

For more information about admissions, auditions (for M.A. in Performance and TEP degrees), submissions of sample work (M.A. in Composition, Music History, Music Theory, or Ethnomusicology), and the M.A. Teacher Education Program in Music, please see the Prospective Students section of this site.

Current and prospective students are also encouraged to contact the Music Department Graduate Adviser with specific questions about our programs.

Yayoi Everett, Advisor
Director of Graduate Studies in Music
Room 520B Hunter North; 212-772-4236

Fall 2023 Advising Hours:
Tuesdays and Fridays 12-1:30pm (In-Person/Virtual) or by appointment.

For Frequently Asked Questions, see FAQs – Graduate.